The Ink Tank Blog

What the end of Game Informer shows us about information (im)permanence
Joshua Leach Joshua Leach

What the end of Game Informer shows us about information (im)permanence

Since the World Wide Web began, bits of data, social media posts, and entire websites have been lost. Unlike physical media that are susceptible to fire, flood, and earthquake, digital media is susceptible to the fire sale of corporations, floods of users moving to other platforms, and the seismic shifts of server migration.

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Our new website and what’s new about it
Updates Beutler Ink Updates Beutler Ink

Our new website and what’s new about it

Welcome to the new Beutler Ink website! Our last update was in 2022, and the one before that was in 2020, so you could say we’re right on schedule. But we don’t make these changes for the sake of change; we make changes because we are always evolving.

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36 Days of Type
Labs, Design Chelsea Callas Labs, Design Chelsea Callas

36 Days of Type

36 Days of Type is an annual open call for artists and designers to design a creative interpretation of each letter of the Latin alphabet (plus standard Arabic numbers) for each day of the challenge. We decided to enter, designing the letters for our agency nickname, “BINK”.

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