Labs Projects

Sometimes we’ll take on a project not because a client asked us to, but because we believe in it. Below are several creative ventures led by our team, showcasing our expertise in data visualization, research, design, and branding.

Here’s To…

Every December for 10 years Beutler Ink recapped the past year’s news and entertainment with a single Where's Waldo-style illustration. Each edition features a different artist and theme.

Annual Calendar

Each year we collaborate with fantastic artists to create our beautiful annual calendar. Check them all out!

Recurring Developments

First created in advance of Arrested Development’s long-awaited fourth season and updated for Season 5, Recurring Developments is an interactive visualization that guides you through the jokes in every episode of every season.

The Fence Post

We created a brand system for a new restaurant from scratch. Here’s how.

The Infinite Atlas Project

The Infinite Atlas Project is a multimedia art project that maps, and explains every geographic location in the David Foster Wallace novel Infinite Jest.

Periodic Table of Breaking Bad

In the run up to the show's explosive final eight episodes, Beutler Ink released a periodic table-style treatment of Breaking Bad's characters and motifs.

A Perfectly Cromulent Graphic

We created a visualization of the first 500 or so episodes of the Simpsons, charting each episode by its primary focus

8-Bit Twin Peaks

To celebrate Twins Peaks' 25th anniversary, Beutler Ink created a detailed illustration depicting the show as an 8-bit video game.

The Best Pictures

In advance of the 86th Academy Awards, Beutler Ink created a poster commemorating each of the past Best Picture winners.

Have a project you’d like to discuss?