The Infinite Atlas Project

David Foster Wallace's sprawling 1,079-page novel, Infinite Jest, has captivated readers for decades with its complex narrative and satirical portrayal of a "territorially reconfigured" North America. Recognizing that nearly every single location in the story is real or the fictionalized version of a real place, Beutler Ink embarked on the ambitious Infinite Atlas Project to chart every location mentioned in the book. This multimedia art project includes:

Infinite Atlas website mockup

Infinite Atlas

An interactive Google Maps-based guide that identifies over 600 global locations referenced in the novel.

A screenshot of the Infinite Boston project

Infinite Boston

A dedicated photo and essay blog exploring key locations around Boston, Massachusetts, the primary setting of the story.

Infinite Map mockup

Infinite Map

A detailed poster that features the 250 most significant locations within the novel's futuristic setting, available for purchase in our online store.

The project garnered substantial media attention, including coverage in The AtlanticThe New Yorker, and Paris Review, and an in-depth profile in Fast Company. Beutler Ink's president, William Beutler, discussed the project's insights on the Concavity Show, a podcast about David Foster Wallace.

Infinite Atlas-related merchandise, including the Infinite Map, is available for purchase online.

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