The Ink Tank Blog

Here's to 2021 to Come
Labs Beutler Ink Labs Beutler Ink

Here's to 2021 to Come

Instead of looking back, this year we decided to look ahead. And after really digging into forecasts for 2021, we found no shortage of reasons to be hopeful.

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A New Year, a New Calendar
Labs Beutler Ink Labs Beutler Ink

A New Year, a New Calendar

Since 2020 has been such a slog for all of us, we wanted to launch the new year with something fresh and stylish. Rather than using familiar Hallmark-style imagery for our 2021 calendar, we tried to use depictions that were at once more personal, more diverse, and more specific to time & place.

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Here’s to 2019
Labs Beutler Ink Labs Beutler Ink

Here’s to 2019

For our 2019 edition, we were thrilled to once again partner with theSkimm. We collaborated closely with their team on the graphic's depiction list and editorial direction and then handed design duties over to the talented Michele Rosenthal

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